Friday, 18 March 2011

My final front cover, contents page and double page spread

These are the final pieces of work for my magazine.
All the elements of my magazine is connected in
some where through the use of color, images and
fonts style. Things i did differently from my 
second draft are changing the image on the front
cover to a female model  because most of the 
images used in the magazine was of females,
the color needed changing as well because 
before it wasn't blending in with the rest of the
magazine but now one can clearly see a connection 
in terms of the colors used. I think i have
progressed in the production of my magazine to 
a great extent. From the first time i started to 
create this magazine it was plain, unattractive
 but with the use of technology i ended up with
 this final product that looks desirable. It feels 
good to have accomplish something that looks
 the way my magazine does.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

The second draft of My magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread

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when i did this version of my magazine my front cover was very masculine and grimy. The colors was very bright which was not a problem but it wasn't  in cohesion with the rest of my magazine in terms of the colors because my front cover is red and the double page spread is black with some injection of purple, pink and blue. It was some what the same problem with my contents page, the use of the colors didn't connect it to the double page spread. Overall you couldn't see the direct connections between all my pieces of work. I redrafted my magazine to create a final product. 

Friday, 21 January 2011

First Draft and plans of my music magazine

Plans on how my front cover and contents page would look like

Photoshop draft of my front cover in the making

This is the first unfinished draft of my music magazine. It was very challenging process in collecting the pictures for the magazine. I was faced with the issue of taking pictures that would represent the target audience. I wanted my magazine to look as professional as possible and fit in with other magazine in the R&B music genre. The editing process of the image was time consuming and required a lot of diligence.I tried to use effect on the fonts as away of futher representing the genre of music. Also as a way of attracting my intended audience. I think this is a good start to my magazine which has the potential to be categorized with some of the best R&B magazines out there.
      The name i gave  my magazine fit in to the genre of R&B. It was a decision that i came to after seeing an advert on television about platinum records being released my many artist in the music industry. I thought by choosing platinum as the name for my magazine would fit in with the ideas i had of what i wanted my magazine to look like. I chose to put the image on a white background because it would amplify the image and draw attention to the magazine. The colors i used stands out on the white bachground of the magazine also it matches with the costume the model is wearing.